Sunday, April 08, 2012

存在感 = 0

I doubt any of my primary, secondary, poly and also uni lecturers and teachers know my existence.
I am even forgotten by some friends, not to say them.
It happens not only once but many many times.

My 存在感 is almost null.
I am quite sure that if I don't contact my friends, eventually I will be friendless.
How pathetic my life is. That's why I always believe that I am such an unlucky person.

To say that I am ok with that is a big big lie. But what can I do yea?
I think I am getting use to it, leading a 低调 life.


1 comment:

  1. 为什么那么悲观? 我很肯定xin lao shi, joan ho, 等等一定还记得你。。可能会忘了名字,但他们一定记得你的存在。。 人吗,不需要很多人记得或围绕着。。 最重要是有那几个记得你的好,让你感觉自在的人,我相信你一定有的。。记得别把他们给忘了。。
