meet up with weilin to study in white sands 1st before meeting yeeteng the birthday gal.
she sort of got trick by us. i told her that only im able to meet her today and she was surprise to see weilin here with me. hehe.
then weilin that gd actress continue to bluff her that she is not join us for movie, and teng believe then went we bought the tix, more lies to her. hehe. overall yeeteng got cheated by us. HEHE.
watched the movie on benjamin buttons.
was quite alright. it was touching but draggy in the middle. haha.
dinner at the bbq there then back home by train. too lazy to elaborate. so pix below.
me n the bdae girl.
the board we made for her.
im taller than teng!! muahahha!
teng n weilin! hehe.
more photos will b uploaded to facebook. haha.
if wan go there take. hehe.
anyway thnx weilin for the valentine present. a board made by her. hehe!
this photo is so funny! haha!
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