(came to blog now becoz i cant log in maple. hehe)
anyway fri was meetingin the noon, then went to serangoon. along with weilin clement n zihao.
we went chomp chomp aftermath. food! haha. but think i will prefer 85 bah. hehe. =x
then sat! woke up early morning n went to my ahma's hse to celebrate my grandfather's bdae. woohoo~.
me and my cousin. zhenghao is so cute!! haha.
wanjing with xiangrou.
grandfather with cousins!
hopefully i can get the other photos frm my aunt soon. hehe.
after that went to meet weilin engchun n yuren at bugis. we went makan n walk ard. then say bye bye to yuren. the rest of us cont walking ard n eng bought the hoodie which we saw it last time. haha.
then now bye bye to weilin. then me n eng went walk ard marina sq. after that went bedok to find weilin. wanted to watch movie @ princess but end up no slot. so went to makan n talk. haha. interesting convo! HAHA.
that day i seriously laugh till nobody business. haha. TOO FUNNY!
SUNDAY is the flyer performance. and cheryl came to see us! thnx girl! haha.
it was alright. there is buffet for us. but sad that we cant get in the flyer itself.
after the perf, a grp of us wanted to take the jumping shot and we tried a lot of times. seriously a lot! haha.
the most successful de. haha.
i duno these shots are before or after we jump. HAHA.
wanling and i, then me n trish.
us! haha.
all photos credit to WANLING once again! haha.
after the perf, we end up reaching TP at ard 12. then finish everything ard 12 plus. took cab back with crystal trish n jianzong. and the driver like cheat us $$. he went one bog round? duno lah. end up reach home at ard 1am. HAHA.
this morning i slp till i very shiok coz only have to go for lect at 5pm. HAHA. =p
i still find no motivation yet.
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